The development of a nation depends largely on revenue generated by the government. Taxation is the key to unlocking economic growth. Challenges accrue for present-day business owners in determining tax revenue vis-à-vis the multiplicity of tax regimes applicable in Nigeria. The recurrence with considerable knowledge of the legal intricacies associated with taxation, our legal team works closely with our clients with a view to understanding their business needs and to offer pragmatic solutions to complex tax matters arising from tax advice, tax risk analysis, tax arbitration and tax compliance reviews.
Legal tax advisory is open to individuals, both local and international companies, expatriate workers, educational organizations and multinationals as regards Companies Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Custom and Excise Duties etc.
Our technical expertise and niche enable us to fully utilize all incentives provided under the relevant tax laws for the benefit of our clients, deliver cost-effective services in navigating compliance requirements and offer representation in tax dispute resolution.